IEE – international entrepreneurship education.

crafting the future of international entrepreneurship education in cooperation across the Baltic.






Europe; Finland, Estonia, Denmark.

22 months; November 2018 – August 2020.

Consulting, project partner, product development, idea jam, hackathon, training program.

a new kind of entrepreneurial education.

The objective of this project is to equip young people with the tools to develop transversal skills that will help their professional and personal lives. Together with our partners, we are creating a one year International Entrepreneurship Education (IEE) programme.

Many young people can’t find themselves in traditional education. This programme offers them another avenue to move towards their dreams, or to come back to the education system. The target group is young people between 15–26 years of age.

As a result of participating in this education, we will support the students to be able to secure a way forward that will lead to a satisfying and fulfilling career and life.

a holistic approach designed into modules.

We are creating an international programme and process for youth entrepreneurship. It is based on different modules so that suitable modules can be used in any interested school.

The methods are built on the concepts of game design, design thinking and iterative processes, as well as systemic personal development. Also, the development of ICT and entrepreneurial skills through taking part in a business incubator and actual funding processes for their ventures.

The result for the students is a hands-on insight into what’s necessary to bring and idea all the way to the customer. They will learn about cooperation, production, sales and marketing, as well as, pitching ideas, presenting findings, sharing and supporting each others ventures.

international partners co-creating.

The three project partners are designing the programme by benchmarking existing offerings, processes and expertise. the partners are learning from each other.

Educraftor is bringing in the Edujam and Eduhack processes as inspiring and engaging events. We are introducing the Phenomenal Teams and Incubator programs and sharing knowledge of the Finnish education and international edtech ecosystems.

VitaTiim from Estonia is introducing their programmes Reflections, Learning to learn, Visual facilitation and Project writing. The Danish partner IAmTrading brings in The Entrepreneur, an engaging team, entrepreneurial and personal development process.

From these elements comes together a programme that extends into 40 weeks of learning.

boarding school as a testing ground.

The one year program is planned to be tested in a boarding school setting at MillCamp Academy, in Denmark. The setting is much like in a Danish “efterskole”. The students are using alternative methods to the traditional education system. They get inspiration through various guest teachers and they have ample opportunity to support each other.

The boarding school setting is designed to provide the students with first-class equipment, facilities, and learning capacities.

In the first study year we are welcoming ca. 15 international students.

follow the journey or join us.

The project is on-going and you can follow the progress from the website

Updates on the MillCamp Academy project can be found on their Instagram account as well.

You can also join the project as a guest expert teacher or an ecosystem partner. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to discuss further.

Have ideas for a project and are looking for a partner?

Let us hear more, we might be able to help.

co-funded by the erasmus+ program.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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