Dreams 2 Reality

Fostering Future

Educraftory.Inc Young
Entrepreneur Programme


Growing together
with yout team


 Proper, intimate team-building
process through which we understood
the benefit of spending time together
as a team

We learned the importance of specialising
and ensuring that everyone has a role.

We appreciate all the networking
opportunities and our coach Juhani’s
warm and supporting approach. 


Turku University Teacher Training School

Concentration Inc.


In the wake of a successful Eduhack series, a novel initiative was born to nurture the seeds of innovation planted during the hackathon.

This initiative, a pilot incubator programme,
was meticulously designed to support young
entrepreneurial talents in transitioning from
hackathon victors to startup visionaries.

Team Concentration Inc., a group of five upper
secondary students from Turku Teacher
Training School, emerged as the epitome of
this transformative journey, embodying the
spirit of young innovation and team synergy.

Structured Team
Development and


At the core of the incubator
programme was a structured
approach to team
and product innovation.

The participating teams, including Team Concentration Inc., engaged in a rigorous schedule of 3-hour coaching sessions every three weeks.

These sessions were more than
just meetings; they were crucibles
of growth,


designed to refine the
team's understanding of
product development tools
and strategies.

Between sessions,

the challenge was to venture
into the real world, conducting
bold experiments with potential
customers, thereby bridging
the gap between
concepts and practical


Creating Connections
with the Startup


A unique aspect of the programme was
its ability to weave the participants into
the fabric of the local startup ecosystem.

For Team Concentration Inc., the journey took an exciting turn as they were awarded tickets to the SHIFT Business Festival.

This opportunity was more than just
a prize; it was a gateway to the real-life startup world, offering the team


invaluable insights into the
latest trends in technology
and business.

A Holistic Approach
to Entrepreneurship


Situated in an international boarding
school setting, the IEE programme
immerses students
in a richly diverse
environment that fosters learning not
just through textbooks, but through real-
world experiences and interactions.

This setting is pivotal in teaching that learning transcends age; it is driven by passion and interest.

The curriculum is thoughtfully
designed to take students through
a series of processes that transform
into tangible realities.


Over the course of one year, participants
engage deeply with the core tenets
of entrepreneurship, including design
thinking, prototyping, teamwork,
and business fundamentals.

This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only dream up innovative ideas but also possess the practical skills to bring these ideas to life.


The festival also

served as a fertile ground for developing networking and pitching skills, as well as for garnering feedback from seasoned entrepreneurs.

Building Blocks
for Personal and
Team Growth


Through their engagement in the
incubator programme, Team
Concentration Inc. experienced
profound growth both
as a team
and on an individual level.

The programme facilitated a deeper understanding among team members, allowing them to appreciate each other's perspectives, abilities, and skills in a collaborative product development context.

 This journey

was not without its challenges,
but it instilled in them a greater
perseverance to withstand

stressful and difficult times.


Moreover, the programme significantly
their networking prowess,
empowering them


to establish connections with
companies and organisations
that could play a crucial role in
their future endeavours.

On a personal note, the
experience prompted the
young students
to reflect on
their career aspirations, with
entrepreneurship emerging as
an increasingly attractive path.


The incubator programme for young entrepreneurs,

exemplified by the journey
of Team Concentration Inc.,
stands as a testament to the
power of continued innovation
and team development

 By providing a structured environment

for growth, access to the startup ecosystem, and opportunities for personal development,

the programme not only nurtures future business leaders but also ensures that the spark of innovation ignited during the Eduhack series continues to burn brightly in the hearts of young innovators.

As Team Concentration Inc. and their peers venture forward, they carry with them the tools, connections, and resilience necessary to transform their ideas into impactful realities.


A ‘Craftorship’ education

Empowering the Next
Generation of Innovators:

The International Entrepreneurship
Education Programme

Hackathon Facilitation

Fostering Innovation in Education:

The Greenhack Story

From Idea to Prototype in Just 48 Hours

Unleashing Creativity at the Crossroads
of Maker Culture and Hackathons:

The Eduhack Series - The Makerhack Experience

Maker Culture

Fostering Creativity and Innovation:

The Educraftory.Lab Experience at Turku
Teacher Training School

Uniting Technology, Education, and Sustainability:
The Impact and Insights 

Bridging Innovation and Education:

The "Hacking the 6th Wave" Project

The Evolution of Community and Creativity
at Hub Turku

Fostering Innovation and Community:

The Journey of Hub Turku

Innovation Concepts


Catalyzing Innovation in Education Through Team
Learning and Design Thinking

Do you have ideas for a project?
Searching for collaborative partners? Reach out to us!

E-Learning for 2035:

Charting the Future of Adult Education

Ecosystem Synergies

Catalysing Innovation in Digital Education:

The Expansion of the Digital Education Hackathon

Is anything unclear?

Get in touch


Over the years, we have solved a large
number of educational challenges for
our partners and clients.

For your challenge, we might already
have a ready-made solution. If not,
we can surely develop one.